I am a simple man who loves taking photographs and exploring the beauties of this earth. I am fortunate to be able to explore the diverse landscapes of the world. I’m always itching for an adventure and am constantly planning my next trip. I welcome you to adventure with me.

I found my love for photography in 2014 when some friends and I ventured out into the beautiful Yosemite National Park. It was there I realized I wanted to capture landscapes and share my love for nature for all. My goal with photography is to inspire others to adventure and explore the beauties of the earth. In doing so, I hope to educate others through my photography – to share the various habitats, climates, environments, cultures, and history I have come across.

I first began shooting on a Nikon D3200 with the 18-55mm stock-kit lens. In 2017, I upgraded to a Nikon D7100. I currently shoot with three lenses – 50mm f/1.8, Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8, Sigma EX 17-50mm f/2.8. Have a question about the details of a specific shot? Feel free to contact me with the photo in question.